As I said in my introduction, it was my first time to know the meaning of integrality. Integrality is being complete as a person. I think if there is an aspect of our lives that is not well nourished, we shouldn’t be bothered to feel incomplete. Because wholeness comes within. It is how we accept things. If only we accept things, we will not feel incomplete.
What I’ve learned in this course was to value oneself. I have learned the importance of relaxation or meditation. Health is wealth. It is important that we shouldn’t live a stressful life. We should always think positive whenever circumstances and situations come unexpectedly.
I have also realized the importance of the workplace in an individual. It is five times a week a person comes into the office. Every management should take care of its people. Business leaders should be more aware that common good starts from within. They need to ensure there workforce should be treated justly. At the end of the day, it is the happiness, purposefulness, and fulfillment of every worker that should be addressed.
I have this experience having a workmate who is depressed whenever he can’t accomplish the task at work. It had a time that he didn’t even come up to work and just locked himself in the room. He felt so pressured and had a hard time adjusting himself with the workloads and felt like doing the wrong things continuously. Asking questions to his supervisor was a great help however he felt the realization on where the company was expecting him to find the solution on his own. Everyone was consciously bothered about his acts and I think what the company didn’t realize is how it maintains its people. The pressure and expectation were always there, however, it should hear its people’s opinions too. Maybe, they should address the issue of mitigating stress.
During my first years as an employee, I realized already that I’m working for someone and better not ask demands or question the management. However, it is bothering to know that some businessmen forgot that people is the heart of the organization. They are always expecting people should produce results, however, they should be led.
I have realized during this session that I really don’t know my real purpose or mission. I know that I’m serving God and following His will is always my intention. But, what is really my core purpose? I have these dreams, goals, and objectives to pursue on. After that, what is next? As I reflect, if you know your purpose in life, you know your mission, it is where you’ll be complete.
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